The Science and Benefits of Monthly Facials for Skin Health
At A Glance
A Charlie Perry Skin facial is a comprehensive, personalised treatment tailored to your skin’s needs and your goals.
Facials enhance your skincare routine and make it even more effective. You can expect things like double cleansing, facial massage, extractions, and professional enhancements from an expert.
One facial is fantastic, but receiving treatments regularly (I recommend about 1x per month) is the best way to reach long-term skin goals and keep your skincare routine in check.
My treatments are never “one size fits all,” so every facial and product recommendation is tailored to your unique needs and skin goals.
Frequency Equals Progress
The cadence of a monthly facial isn’t random; in fact, it’s based in the science of your skin. I recommend getting a facial every four to six weeks to match up with the life cycle of your skin cells. Your skin cells renew themselves every 28 days. So, by the time you stop in for your next appointment, there will be a whole new layer of skin to work with. This is essential because to truly treat whatever conditions you’re experiencing, we need to reach the deepest layers of skin where any issues are originating.
“You can think of getting frequent facials like a personal trainer. While one or two sessions is great, you’ll see long-term results and progress with that dedicated, one-on-one attention from someone who truly cares about your skin and wants to help you achieve your goals.”
Charlie Perry
You can also think of regular facials like a checkup for your skin. Having an expert, outsider perspective is super helpful when tracking your skin’s progress. It can be difficult to see your skin’s progression when you’re looking at it every single day. Plus, you’ll get the education you need to understand what’s actually going on with your skin.
Professional Treatment
From professional-strength active skincare to treat signs of aging to LED panels to zap away acne-causing bacteria, many of the products and treatments used are for professional-only use. And while you can always give yourself a facial massage at home, having someone else loosen up your lymph and rejuvenate your facial muscles is a tangibly more special experience. Just sit back, relax, and let a professional focus on the technique.
Plus, each time you’ll walk out knowing more about your skin than you did before. This is your chance to soak in knowledge about your skin goals, and topics like your skin type and conditions, plus product recommendations and facial enhancement options. Also, take this time to get curious and ask skincare questions you’ve been puzzling over.
Getting a facial is not only relaxing and rejuvenating for the face, but also the mind. Facials allow you to focus on your breathing and regain your confidence in having healthy, beautiful skin.
Here are 4 benefits to monthly facials:
Increase Circulation
Facials help to renew skin cells by circulating the blood flow under the skin, which then can decrease puffiness and fluid buildup that comes from our lymphatic system. Good circulation is important because it brings oxygen, proteins and nutrition to the skin, while ridding our skin of toxins.Deep Cleansing
Although we like to think our daily skin cleaners are getting deep down into our pores, they can only do so much. Getting a facial helps remove the build-up of oil and dirt that an everyday cleanser can not. Bacteria derived from the oil and dirt are also removed, leaving you with healthy glowing skin.Anti-Ageing
By increasing the circulation in your face, the cell turnover rate helps to slow down the aging process. Getting a monthly facial massage stimulates collagen production and strengthen the muscles in your face, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles and gaining softer smoother skin. (Collagen is naturally produced, but unfortunately starts to decline at about age 25)Relaxation
Getting a facial is not only relaxing to the face, but also the mind. Facials allow you to focus on your breathing and regain your confidence in having healthy beautiful skin.
Keep Your Routine In Check
Your skin is a dynamic, living organ that reacts and adapts to both external and internal factors—such as changing seasons or stress which can exacerbate skin conditions like acne and pigmentation. Consequently, your routine also needs to adapt to keep up with your skin’s needs. A skin specialist can serve as your guide to help you navigate these changes, by recommending products that are tailored to your specific skin and teaching you how to incorporate them into your routine. As time goes on, we can continually check in to ensure the products you’re using are still effective.
While one or two sessions are great, you’ll see long-term results and progress with dedicated, one-on-one attention from someone who cares about your skin and wants to help you achieve your goals.
How To Maintain Facial Results
While the effects of a facial aren’t permanent, there are steps you can take to maximise your results and keep your skin looking fresh in the weeks following your treatment.
A Personalised & Effective Skincare Routine
One of the most important things you can do to maximise your facial results is to follow and maintain a regular skincare routine. Personalised recommendations are included in all treatments, or a basic skincare prescription following a short consultation is a great first step.
In the first week or so after your facial, make sure to go easy on your face and only apply a cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen. While only applying three products may not seem like a lot, these basics can help your skin stay clear and moisturised while also working to prevent any sun damage to skin following a professional treatment.
You Just Deserve It
Lastly, you deserve (at minimum!) one hour every month to take care of yourself. A Charlie Perry Skin treatment is a chance to mute your work chat, close your eyes, listen to some great music, and relax as a professional works on delivering you a healthy glow.